

With the University focused on charting a clear course for its future and continued success, a group of nearly 300 stakeholders embarked on an inclusive and intensive year-long planning process, 导致这个全面的文件, “前进——Focused: 创新遇见可能性的地方.” 


2021年秋季, President Hemphill and his administrative 工作人员 launched the strategic planning process by seeking nominations from the campus community and its stakeholders to form key groups. 到2021年11月,成立了12个:

The 指导委员会; 使命及核心价值观小组委员会; and the 挑战与机遇小组委员会 began 会议 at the end of November 2021. 焦点小组, organized by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, gathered stakeholder recommendations and concerns about the University's future direction and informed the two 小组委员会’ findings. The work of the 指导委员会 and the 小组委员会 was followed in January 2022 by the 学术卓越小组委员会; 品牌、营销和传播小组委员会; Corporate/社区伙伴关系 and Economic Development Subcommittee; 慈善捐赠及校友参与小组委员会; 研究及发展小组委员会; 策略性招生增长小组委员会; and 学生参与和成功小组委员会. 最后, 预算小组于2022年4月开始审议, 之后,写作小组很快就会接手工作. Each group met weekly or biweekly until its tasks were accomplished and its findings presented to the 指导委员会 for detailed review, 积极的讨论, 初步批准. Additional input was sought from the President's Cabinet and 领导 Council.

2022年9月, a strategic plan draft was presented to the Board of 访问ors, 随后是全校范围内的评论期. In October 2022, a working draft was shared with the campus for a 30-day comment period. 遵循校园反馈, the Board of 访问ors approved the final version at the end of the calendar year. 战略计划, “前进—— 聚焦:创新遇见可能性的地方。” 于2023年1月开始实施.

Those involved in the process are dedicated members of University leadership, 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 校友, 以及弗吉尼亚海岸社区.

Over 300 campus stakeholders participated in the planning process.

2022年春季, the seven strategic plan 小组委员会 tasked with developing goals and strategies met systematically and routinely to collect and analyze data, 讨论主要发现, 制定策略性目标,指引大学的未来. 具体地说, 小组委员会审查了内部和外部焦点小组的数据, informational graphs produced by the 研究处 utilizing the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), bet8体育娱乐入口 研究 Foundation (ODURF) proposal and award data, 以及市场调研数据. 除了定量数据, the 小组委员会 sought input from experts across the University including, but not limited to the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, 大学预算官, 以及负责学术事务的副校长. 小组委员会随后共同起草目标, presenting those goals first with the 指导委员会 followed by the President’s Cabinet and 领导 Council.

除了制定一个强有力的计划, regular reporting and transparency are critical components to short-term implementation and long-term success of the identified initiatives. As a result, key performance indictors (KPIs) are provided for each goal and strategy. These items include baseline and target metrics, as well as a responsible party and timeline. 像这样, progress reports will be developed and shared twice a year to provide an update on the status of exceeding, 会议, 或缺少已确定的kpi.

作为一年战略规划过程的一部分, a robust budget component was embedded in the overall efforts of the seven 小组委员会. A separate budget template was developed by the 预算团队 and completed by the 小组委员会 for each strategy. The forms were developed to fully understand the resource types (one-time or recurring and new or reallocation), 以及费用类别(人员), 操作, 等.)

预算小组审查了提交的文件是否完整, 稳健, 和可行性, 尤其是在创收方面. To determine a desired path for both implementation and outcomes, members of the 预算团队 held individual 会议s with representatives from each subcommittee.

随着战略计划的实施, 君主投资基金, 总计2500万美元, will be established to house additional resources for new initiatives, 以及扩大现有领域的活动. An annual contribution of $5 million will be made for each year in the reporting period. A budget bulletin will be provided as part of the twice-yearly updates to keep the campus informed of the overall investment and related progress. 另外, an internal budget document will be developed and made available to the designated responsible parties.

The University’s strategic plan and the process toward its development were open and public, 包括公众意见征询期. The University maintained a public section on its website with membership and timeline information, as well as real-time 会议 minutes from each of the various committees, 小组委员会, 和团队. 定期会议, 包括面对面和利用同步技术, 发生在整个2022年, and working documents were visible to all administrators and subcommittee members in the University’s Microsoft Teams platform. Further accountability was upheld with regular reports and updates to chairs and co-chairs, 以及大学行政部门.